Exhibitors EXHIBITORS LIST BECOME AN EXHIBITOR exhibitors in 2025 Filter by Activity / Print my Visit Tour LAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - FurnitureLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Objects & DecorationLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Flooring & CarpetsLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Wall coverLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Joinery, Partitions, Glazing & insulation solutionsLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - LightingLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Space planningLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Outdoor equipment - TerraceLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Works of artLAYOUT, DECORATION & RENOVATION - Vegetal (Landscaping, floral composition, green wall ...)ROOM EQUIPMENT - Laundry, Uniforms and professional textileROOM EQUIPMENT - Bed Linen (Rent or Sale)ROOM EQUIPMENT - Safes, mini bar and room equipmentROOM EQUIPMENT - BeddingROOM EQUIPMENT - Personalized giftsROOM EQUIPMENT - Welcoming productsBATHROOM EQUIPMENT - Bathroom fittingsBATHROOM EQUIPMENT - Sanitary equipmentBATHROOM EQUIPMENT - Textiles and accessories for the BathroomBATHROOM EQUIPMENT - Bathroom equipment (hair dryer, mirrors loupes, wipes, etc)RESTAURANT AND BAR - Drinks (water, coffee, orange juice, tea, wines and spirits...)RESTAURANT AND BAR - Small appliances and catering equipments (breakfast equipment, bar equipment, etc.)RESTAURANT AND BAR - Collection systems and solutionsRESTAURANT AND BAR - Centralized payment solutionRESTAURANT AND BAR - Table artRESTAURANT AND BAR - Cellar equipment / wine-making materialRESTAURANT AND BAR - Restauration solutions ( food / catering )RESTAURANT AND BAR - Kitchen Tools and EquipmentWELLNESS EQUIPMENT : SPA, HAMMAM, SWIMMING POOL - Beauty, cosmetic and hygiene productsWELLNESS EQUIPMENT : SPA, HAMMAM, SWIMMING POOL - Spa and hammam equipmentWELLNESS EQUIPMENT : SPA, HAMMAM, SWIMMING POOL - Swimming pool equipmentSPORT AND FITNESS EQUIPMENT - Sport & Fitness equipmentSPORT AND FITNESS EQUIPMENT - Sport & Fitness accessoriesCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Air treatment, air conditioning and heatingCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Treatment, production and management of waterCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Pest Control, DisinfectionCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Waste managementCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Maintenance products and equipmentCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Maintenance serviceCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Cleanliness serviceCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Energy management and solutionsCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Facility managementCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - CSRCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Employee wellbeing and equipmentCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Parking equipmentCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Vehicle rental or loanCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Security and SafetyCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Risks prevention & management SolutionsCLEANING & MAINTENANCE - Access ManagementINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - ConciergerieINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Staff (hostess or security agencies, bartender ...)INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Revenue & Yield managementINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - FormationsINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Consulting and supportINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Space management & Entertainment (seminar room, conference, restaurant….)INTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Digital Communication, Digital Marketing and Satisfaction SurveyINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - ServicesINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Analytics /DataINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Softwares and Apps PMS and POSINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Central purchasing officeINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Expense managementINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Hotel managementINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - InsurancesINTELLECTUAL PRODUCTS - Magazine, publication and pressNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Sound designNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Olfactory designNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Audio and video integrationNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Acoustic equipment, musical instrumentsNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Signage, dynamic signage, tactile terminalsNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Connectivity (WIFI, IPTV, TELEPHONY, VOIP)NEW TECHNOLOGIES - Automation and New technologiesNEW TECHNOLOGIES - Cybersecurity Sort Company name A-Z Company name Z-A Per page 10 15 30 60 Layout 360 & 1 www.360and1.fr Stand H17 888 - RENOV & REFRESH https://888designgroup.com/ www.renov-refresh.com Stand A08-B09 A COEUR VAILLANT - DEFIBRILLATEURS www.acoeurvaillant.fr Stand H20 ACADÉMIE SCIENTIFIQUE DE BEAUTÉ www.academiebeauté.com Stand G43 ADA COSMETICS https://ada-cosmetics.com/fr/ Stand F48 AGENCE CREHO www.agence-creho.com Stand H21 AGENCE WEBCOM - AGENCE DIGITALE www.agencewebcom.com Stand H28 ALAENA COSMETIQUE www.alaena-cosmetique.com Stand G38 ALFA SYSTEMES www.alfa-systemes.fr Stand F30 ALPI S.P.A www.alpi.it Stand D10 AMT LUXURY HOTELS www.amttransfert.fr Stand G22 AMUSOIRE https://www.amusoire.com/ Stand G19 API & YOU www.api-and-you.com Stand G30 ARGILE www.argile-peinture.com Stand E34 AROKA www.aroka.fr Stand C09 ASTRO LIGHTING www.re-majeur.com Stand D30 ATMOSPH'AIR PAR GROUPE MONGREVILLE www.groupe-mongreville.fr Stand G26 AUGUSTO PIZZA www.augusto-pizza.fr Stand H19 BAUWERK GROUP https://bauwerk-group.com/ Stand B03 BE WTR www.bewtr.com Stand H25 BEAUTY BC www.beautybc.com Stand F34 BEHAR SECURITE www.beharsecurite.com Stand B25 BETTE GMBH & CO.KG https://www.bette.de/ Stand A20 BIOLOGIQUE RECHERCHE https://www.biologique-recherche.com/fr-fr/ Stand H37 BISAZZA https://www.bisazza.com/fr Stand A PLACER** BJELIN fr.bjelin.com Stand C28 BODYSCULPTOR www.bodysculptor.fr Stand F40 BRITA www.brita.fr Stand G23 BWT WATER+MORE www.bwt.fr Stand H18 CACIO www.moveiscacio.com Stand A04 CAFE ROYAL PRO www.caferoyalpro.com Stand H29 CAMYLLE www.camylle.com Stand H48 CARPET SOCIETY http://www.carpet-society.com Stand A09 CARPYEN www.carpyen.com Stand D22 CASAMANCE GROUP http://www.casamance.com/ Stand C29 CHAMPAGNE NICOLAS FEUILLATTE www.nicolas-feuillatte.com Stand H32 CHARME D'ORIENT www.charmedorient.com Stand H50 CHATEAU BERGER COSMETIQUES www.chateauberger.com Stand H39 CHO NATURE www.cho-nature.com Stand H38 CODAGE www.codageparis.com Stand F42 CONCIERGE www.concierge.eu Stand H22 COPEL GROUPE www.copel.group Stand G54 CORIAN® DESIGN https://www.dupontdenemours.fr/ www.corian.fr Stand B26 CRYOJET HYDROJET SYSTEM FRANCE www.hydrojetsystem-france.com Stand F46 CUCHOT www.cuchot.fr Stand D11 DECO DESIGN SOLUTIONS - ECO DESIGN LIFESTYLE www.ecodesign-lifestyle.com Stand A06-B07 DELABIE www.delabie.fr Stand D36 DENANTES www.denantes.fr Stand E35 DISTRIBUY www.distribuy.fr Stand H33 DÔMEDECO https://www.domedeco.com/ Stand B30 DROUAULT www.drouault.net Stand H31 DURAVIT www.duravit.com Stand D05 EDITION BOUGAINVILLE www.editionbougainville.com Stand C20 EGGER PANNEAUX ET DECORS https://www.egger.com/shop/fr_fr/produits Stand D38 ELEGANCE WELLNESS CENTER www.elegance.fr Stand G53 ELLA BACHÉ www.ellabache.com www.thalgo.fr Stand H41 ENTEGRA www.entegraps.eu Stand G25 ETOFFES https://etoffes-inspire.fr/ Stand A12-B13 EXPERIENCE HOTEL www.experience-crm.fr Stand H27 FORBO FLOORING SYSTEMS www.forbo-flooring.fr Stand A PLACER FORESTIER www.forestier.fr Stand E23 FURNITURE FOR GOOD www.furnitureforgood.fr Stand E36 GALERIE B EDITION www.galerieb-edition.eu Stand E24 GEBERIT https://www.geberit.fr/accueil/ Stand A06-B07 GESSI www.gessi.com Stand B18 GHARIENI GROUP www.gharieni.com Stand G49 GRAND ROSE www.grandrose.fr Stand G18 GRIFFON www.griffon.fr Stand E28 GROHE www.grohe.fr Stand C03 GROUPE LIGNARTIS www.lignartis.com Stand D21 HEA CREATIONS https://hea-creations.com/ Stand D28 HEOL https://heol-com.fr/ Stand D35 HOTEL ET PERFORMANCE https://www.hoteletperformance.com/ Stand G20 HOTELPARTNER REVENUE MANAGEMENT www.hotelpartner.com Stand H30 HOTELYS www.hotelys.com Stand E31 HYDROPOLIS www.hydropolis.fr Stand D13 HYSOPE www.hysopeparis.com Stand G41 I-BOOST | ICOONE www.i-boost.it/fr https://www.allcare-in.com/ Stand G40 IDENTITY BY FATHER & SONS www.fatherandsons.fr Stand G28 INFINITY SURFACES www.infinitysurfaces.it Stand E20 INTRAMUROS MAGAZINE www.intramuros.fr Partner IRIS CERAMICA GROUP www.irisceramicagroup.com Stand B14-C15 ISI SPA www.isi-spa.fr https://preprod.isis-group.fr/ Stand H40 IYASHI DOME www.iyashidome.com Stand H42 JPS HOTEL SOLUTIONS www.jpshotelsolutions.com Stand H26 JUNG FRANCE https://www.jung-group.com/fr-FR/ Stand A PLACER**** KORUS GROUP www.korusgroup.com Stand E16 LES ARCHITECTEURS pro2-architecteurs.fr Stand B10 LUNO 21 EQUIPMENT https://luno-21equipment.com/ Stand G45 MAISON SERIEUSE http://www.maisonserieuse.com/ Stand G16 MAISONS DU MONDE BUSINESS www.maisondumonde.com Stand C31 MASCIONI HOTEL COLLECTION www.mascionihotelcollection.com Stand B32 MATRIX FITNESS https://fr.matrixfitness.com Stand G33 MAUVIEL1830 www.mauviel.com Stand H24 MELJAC www.meljac.com Stand C27 MESOESTETIC BY CORPODERM www.corpoderm.com Stand H51 MEWS www.mews.com Stand G21 MODELEC https://www.modelec.com/fr Stand C33 MODUL'AGENCEMENT www.modul-agencement.com Stand D12 MON COURTIER ENERGIE www.moncourtierenergie.com Stand G24 MONDIAL TISSUS www.mondialtissus.fr Stand C32 MURASPEC BUFLON www.muraspec.fr Stand C07 MY EKOPRO PAR GROUPE MONGREVILLE www.groupe-mongreville.fr Stand G26 MY GROOM SERVICE - OPTIM'RESA www.my-groom-service.com Stand G27 NV GALLERY www.nvgallery.com/fr-fr/ Stand E26 ODICE GROUPE https://www.odice.info/ Stand E13 OLIVIER CLAIRE www.olivierclaire.com Stand G39 PAPERMINT www.paper-mint.fr Stand A10-B11 PASSMAN www.passman-hotels.com https://www.passman.fr/ Stand G32 PAYOT www.payot.com Stand G42 PBI - PROBEAUTIC INSTITUT www.probeauticinstitut.com Stand G36 PERGO - MODUELO https://www.pergo.fr/fr-fr Stand B04 PETITJEAN SAS www.petitjean-sas.fr Stand E19 PHYTOMER www.phytomerpro.fr Stand G34 PORTES ET POIGNÉES DESIGN www.portesetpoigneesdesign.fr Stand B24 PRESENCE ART DESIGN www.presence-art-design.com Stand F50 PRETI www.preti-france.com Stand H45 PROCEDES CHENEL INTERNATIONAL https://chenel.com/ Stand D18 PROCTER & GAMBLE PROFESSIONAL https://fr.pg.com/ Stand G17 PURE INFORMATIQUE www.pure-informatique.com Stand H46 QMS MEDICOCOSMETICS www.qmsmedicosmetics.com Stand F44 RESTART www.restartflooring.fr Stand D16-E17 SALTO SYSTEMS www.saltosystems.com Stand H23 SAUVAJE www.sauvaje.fr Stand D39 SENSE OF WELLNESS http://www.senseofwellness-mag.com/ Stand G50 SEPTEO HOSPITALITY www.septeo.com/fr www.sequoiasoft.com Stand G29 SEVEN https://www.agema.fr/fr/le-groupe-seven/ Stand C12 SIGNIFY ww.signify.com/fr-fr Stand D37 SNOW GROUP www.snow.fr Stand H53 SPA & WELLNESS CONCEPT www.spawellnessconcept.fr Stand A PLACER*** SPA-A https://spa-a.org/ Stand F53 SPAS DE FRANCE www.spasdefrance.fr Stand G50 STANDARD TEXTILE www.standard-textile.fr Stand E14 SUBLIO www.sublio.com Stand H35 SUITE 22 HOME COLLECTION https://www.suite22homecollections.com/ Stand A PLACER ***** SWISSLINE www.swissline-cosmetics.com Stand F38 TAL - LITHOSS www.tal.be www.lithoss.be Stand A17 TAU CERAMICA https://www.tauceramica.com/fr/ Stand D24 TECSOUND www.tecsound.fr Stand E25 TERRAKE www.terrake.fr Stand H43 THALION www.thalion.com Stand G44 TIMBER TAILOR www.timbertailor.eu Stand A13 TOILES ET VOILES www.toiles-et-voiles.fr Stand E39 VIMAR www.vimar.com Stand E38 VITRA BATHROOMS https://france.vitrabathrooms.com/ Stand E27 W8COM https://w8com-objetspub.com/fr/ Stand A PLACER* WELLNESS CONSULTING www.wellnessconsulting.fr Stand H44 WOODTALE www.moveiscacio.com Stand A04 YAMAHA www.yamaha.fr Stand C04 YONKA - MULTALER https://fr.yonka.com/ www.multaler.com Stand F52 become an exhibitor You want to join us in Cannes and offer your solutions to the Hosted Buyers ? 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